Saturday, March 27, 2010

Award Winners....

Today was a great day at the competition! We won the Jack Kamen Imagery award. This award "recognizes and celebrates attractiveness in engineering and outstanding visual aesthetic integration of machine and team appearance." This is a sought after and very significant award. All of the students worked very hard to get this, from those who served as liaisons to the judges today to our student team members who worked on our graphics and design elements. All should be proud of this.

Also, I e-mailed everyone earlier. The Hawaii FIRST Regional is being webcast on the NASA site. Please go to the NASA SITE by clicking here.

Please find some photos below from today's wonderful, award winning day:

Our safety captain and student ambassador who handle our presentations to our judges! Great job today in presenting for our award!!!

Our ambassador and safety captain meeting with a judge!

Getting ready for the next match!

The announcer wearing our Campbell's Soup Can Costume!

Fixing our robot arm...

Calibrating rocky..

Setting up rocky for a match.

Taking rocky off the field.

Our whole team after the day one awards ceremony with our trophy!!

Our team design team holding a well deserved award.

A last day of competition is tomorrow (Saturday). Still in the hunt for other awards and shooting for a position in the finals! Stay tuned for more info....
Thanks to everyone for their continued support.

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