Saturday, April 25, 2015

End of Qualifications

So we all sat here and did the math. As of now, the end of the qualification matches in the World Cup of Robots, We are ranked 11th in our division, 46th in the whole world, and the number one team from MAR by quite a long shot. Great Job team!!!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 2: Qualification Update

We had a great day yesterday! We ended up in 6th place in the Carson division yesterday. This is a huge accomplishment for us as a team. We have 6 more matches today and then we start division playoffs. We are doing better than we ever have before in the history of our team. Great job 203! Go Rocky 2015!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 1: Lunchtime update

Our team has performed amazingly so far today, we currently hold a qualification average of 185 and hold first place in the Carson field.
Great job Rocky!
Great Job 203!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

UPDATE: Pratice rounds

Amazing job from our drive team today. still stacking six stacks with a can and noodle without any issues. After getting inspected and a couple of good practice rounds, the drive team headed over to the FIRST night out block party with the rest of us. Now we are on our way back to our hotel so we can rest up to be ready at 5 tomorrow.
Good job rocky!!!!🙌

On our way to St. Louis!

Somehow we did it! Congratulations to team 203 for placing First Place in the MAR Regional Championships. Our whole team has worked very hard this year to put together yet another amazing robot. We are all excited now, as we drive down to St. Louis MO to compete against 633 other teams from all around the world. We would like to thank all of our hard working students for the countless hours they put in not only building a robot, but putting together presentations for awards that we have never before competed for. This is a huge step forward for our team and without these students working as hard as they have we wouldn't be on this bus right now on our way to St. Louis. Another thanks is to our FIRST mentors, for guiding us and making this whole program possible. And last, but certainly not least, Absolutely none of this could be possible without our Sponsors who not only provide us with financial support, but try their best to support us in any way possible. We are honored to represent MAR in Nationals.